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Research History & Experience

Indic Pacific Legal Research adopts a pragmatic approach to addressing legal challenges, transcending mere regulation. We recognize that legal issues are intrinsically intertwined with market practices in the digital economy. Our philosophy is rooted in the understanding that effective solutions necessitate a comprehensive analysis of the underlying dynamics and realities shaping the digital landscape.

Some facts & figures

The accompanying visual aids provide insightful data estimates, meticulously collated in graph charts, showcasing the remarkable journey and impact of our organization, its member entities, and former research departments.

On Skill Transformation

This section provides stats and insights on the research internship and virtual experience programmes under the Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law and other initiatives.

On Research

This section provides stats and insights on the research publications, reports and insights produced & developed since 2020.

On Engagements

This section provides stats and insights on our engagements and efforts in community building in technology policy & artificial intelligence policy since 2020.

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