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India's first privately proposed Artificial Intelligence regulation, authored by Abhivardhan.

Version 4.0, November 8, 2024 [Latest]

Terms of Use

The contents of the AIACT.IN, i.e., the Draft Artificial Intelligence (Development & Regulation) Bill, 2023 (also may be referred to as the Draft Artificial Intelligence (Development & Regulation) Act, 2023) and the New Artificial Intelligence Strategy for India, 2023 are proposals submitted to the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government  of India.


This is therefore provided as a free resource for educational and informational purposes in public interest only. By using the contents of "AIACT.IN" developed by Indic Pacific Legal Research LLP (referred to as 'The Firm'), you agree to the following terms of use:

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Indic Pacific Legal Research LLP, 'AIACT.IN' (Indic Pacific Legal Research, November 7, 2023) <>


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Our Founder, and Managing Partner, Abhivardhan had drafted this private AI bill, with the intent to educate the Indian AI ecosystem about the impact of AI regulation, in a larger Indian context, wherein the Indian AI ecosystem is still building itself up.

In case any stakeholder misleads you to state that the AI bill is drafted and authored by Abhivardhan to promote regulatory capture in India, then the position undertaken is heavily misinformed, and in some cases, forwarded with malicious intent. The sole purpose of promoting this AI bill is to get relevant inputs, on how would regulatory clauses and changes based on India's existing legal landscape would shape AI regulation in the country. 

Admittedly, we have received the best feedback from the technology and business communities, which we greatly appreciate. 

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